Advertising Program
Are you looking for a quicker, easier, more profitable way to connect to and conduct business with both current and future customers using the unmatched advertising and marketing power of the Internet? Would you like to do so without the confusion, uncertainty, complications, difficulty, and high cost of having to come up with, bid on, and keep track of 100’s to 1,000’s of words and phrases?
Are you ready to enjoy the many benefits of true pinpoint targeting, unquestioned relevancy, competitive secrecy, increased ad visibility, higher click-through rates, and greater ROI; all without the need to bid on the trademarks of others?
How would you like to have a steady, continuous stream of up to 100’s to many 1,000’s of already seriously interested and enthusiastic potential customer/clients who are actually looking forward to seeing and reading your advertising and knowing what you’ve got for them?
If this all sounds good to you (even if hard to believe), then welcome to; a true breakthrough in marketing and advertising . . . where you’re able to select and bid on the actual demographic and psychographic traits and characteristics (keytraits) of your most valued and desired customer/clients.
In this first operational beta iteration/version, we’ll be providing advertisers with the ability to target individuals based on their gender, age (via ranges), and income (via ranges). As time goes on, we will be adding a wide and varied range of additional targeting keytraits for you and our future many thousands of advertisers to choose from (visit the MatchTo Premier page for an idea of what we have in store).
We also have plans to provide our advertising clients with the ability to target other entity types including companies/ businesses/ professional practices (via firmographic keytraits), educational institutions, governments (i.e. cities, counties, municipalities, states, agencies, etc), non-profits, etc.
Because we are initially requiring that each ad be targeted to exactly three of the most important keytraits; namely people’s gender, age, and income; the first step is for you to decide who your entity’s (i.e. your company, business, professional practice, school, government, non-profit, etc) best current and/or desired (human) customers are.
If you don’t know, or aren’t sure, consider these three questions:
1. Do more men or women currently buy your product(s) and/or service(s)?
2. People in which of the available age ranges (18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, or 70+) currently buy the greatest percentage of your product(s) and/or service(s)?
3. People in which of the available income ranges (0-25,000, 25,001-40,000, 40,001-50,000, 50,001-75,000, 75,001-100,000, 100,001-150,000, 150,001-250,000, 250,000+) currently buy the highest percentage of your product(s) and/or service(s)?
If you still aren’t sure about the answers, just use your best educated guess.
Now, with this in mind, simply perform the following six simple steps to to set up and submit your ad:
Ads containing profanity, vulgarity; sexual, racist, hate, etc words, phrases, references, or innuendo; or which attack and/or demean the religious or other belief systems of others; or which are illegal; or which contain the trademarks or other intellectual property (IP) of others where any legal IP licensing is not already in place; or which link to or include URLs or web sites/references containing such; will not knowingly be accepted (and will without prior or subsequent notice be permanently deleted if later discovered).
Basically, if you wouldn’t want your five year old son, daughter, or other relative reading or seeing your ad; or visiting your website or coming in to your place of business; your ad and/or products/services are not appropriate for
For ad creation ideas, simply conduct match requests on our homepage to see how others are wording their ads; and/or conduct searches for the products, services, and benefits you provide (or want to) on the various search engines such as Yahoo, Google, and Bing. Do not, however, copy the ads of others. Copied ads; once discovered; will without prior or subsequent notice be permanently deleted.
Because is available to all people of all ages the world over, we reserve the sole and non-appealable right to decline to accept any and all advertising which we deem inappropriate for our service.
We reserve the right to change any and all advertising terms and conditions at any time, for any reason(s), without prior or subsequent notice to any advertisers.
Forthcoming Additional Keytrait Targeting Options
Advertise for Free
For a limited time only in order to introduce our breakthrough new advertising system/platform to the national and international marketplaces, there is no charge for advertising with/on
During this free advertising time period, the following additional advertising terms and conditions apply:
1. English language ads only.
2. You/your company must be providing actual physical products and/or generally-recognized services (think U.S. SIC codes). No ads during this free period for blogs, social media sites, etc.
3. For greatest speed, efficiency, etc, during this special free advertising promotion, our normal customer service has been suspended and replaced with an entirely self-service approach. Therefore; regardless of method (i.e. via phone, e-mail, text, postal mail, etc.); contact with staff will not be available during this time for matters concerning advertising with
Acknowledgement of our receipt of and/or acceptance or denial of submitted ads will neither be available nor provided. To see if your ad was accepted, please run a match request at the homepage, utilizing the keytraits you selected for your advertisement. While not guaranteed to be so, ads which have been accepted are normally posted within 72 hours of submission.
4. Some product/service categories may at any time be limited to insure the providing of as wide and varied a spectrum of products and services to our valued visitors as possible. Probably like you, few if any of our users want to see their MERPs (match engine result pages) dominated by having 50% or more of the same type of companies providing the same types of products or services.
To avoid having your business locked out for this reason, you’ll want to submit your ad as soon as possible.
5. The acceptance/placement/position of advertisers’ ads are at the sole and complete discretion and election of No positional requests can be granted or acknowledged.
6. Only one free ad with one URL/website per ad/company/individual.
7. Placement order of the ads may change from time to time; and solely at our discretion may or may not be based; whether in whole or in part; on the order in which each ad was submitted/received.
8. Any ad may at our sole discretion and for any reason be removed at any time; even if previously accepted/displayed.
9. Once an ad has been accepted, no changes of any kind for any reason are permitted. Accordingly, please give careful consideration to how you word and what you say in your ad. Any and all offers (if applicable) you make in your ad must be both accurate and honored by you for the duration of time that your ad will be running (keeping in mind that this time period is not known); perhaps as long or longer than 1-3 months.
You/your company hereby agree that you/your company are solely responsible for your advertisement; including but not limited to any and all claims, representations, and offers/promotions made.
The best time for running limited availability and/or limited-time special pricing, promotions, bonuses, etc type offers will be once our regular, full-capability (i.e. with real time ad-editing) advertising platform is available.
10. For aesthetic/visual presentation and other reasons; including for proper spelling, grammar, sentence construction, punctuation, accuracy, etc; we reserve the right to correct and/or modify any advertisement at any time.
11. Your ad must be linked to the homepage of you/your company’s website; not to any internal pages.
12. reserves the right at any time to move any ads from one set of advertiser-selected keytraits to another set of keytraits of’s choosing.
13. Though it could be longer, our intent in to provide this free advertising for up to 2-3 months only. So if you’d like to give a try, you should submit your ad for consideration as soon as possible.
14. Regardless of the expected 2-3 month duration of this special promotion, however, nonetheless reserves the sole right to pause and/or end this special free ads promotion at any time for any reason(s).
15. Because upon the cessation of the free advertising time period all ads will without prior notice be deleted from the system, if you want/need a copy of your ad (i.e. to use again once full advertising system implementation is completed), please save it to your own computer or storage medium prior to submitting it to for review.
16. Terms and conditions may be changed, removed, and/or otherwise modified at any time for any reason; with up to all such changes, removals, and/or modifications being at’s sole election; retroactive. Please check back here from time to time if you’d like to review the most current terms and conditions.
Note: If you’d (also) like to help your friends, family, vendors, suppliers, stores, restaurants, professional practices, etc, please feel free to refer them to the website to apply for their own free advertising while they still can.
Basically, our value proposition to our advertisers during this free advertising time period is this:
You have the potential to receive absolutely free advertising on an exciting new Internet platform/system; decides whether, where, and how your ad appears.
If that sounds fair and reasonable to you, welcome.
If not, please accept our apologies.
We hope to see you again once our regular paid advertising platform/program is available.
1. You may at all times create and bid on any keytrait set you desire; your set containing anywhere from as few as one keytrait factor (e.g. just gender, just age, or just income) up to and including all of our available keytrait factors (e.g. gender + age + income).
You’re always able to decide for yourself how best to target your products, services, and benefits to your current and/or desired customers/clients. You always control exactly who receives your offers, and, just as important, who doesn’t.
2. Your listing/advertisement will be presented only to seekers meeting at least your complete keytrait set; whether your set consists of one keytrait . . . or 25.
3. We will place you at the position you requested among others targeting the same exact keytrait set at the lowest price possible.
4. There is at all times a minimum bid of $1.00 per criteria set; regardless of the number of or type of keytrait(s) chosen.
5. Minimum bid increments are $0.05.
6. Subject to any keytrait bid caps you may have set, if there are ties between you and one or more other advertisers sharing the same exact keytrait set that makes your requested position unavailable, we will make your new bid $0.05 more than the tie amount and you will be right on top of the ties. This means you might get a position higher than you requested.
7. If your requested position cannot be obtained because your bid cap is too low, we will get you the best position for your bid cap. Often that means that your new bid will be equal to your bid cap, but if we can get that same position for a lower price, we will give you the lower price.
8. You bid only against others also targeting the exact same keytrait set you are. Your Current Rank and Bid to Become #1 components are valid as between you and the other advertisers targeting this exact same keytrait set. When seekers submit match requests, your Current Rank and Bid to Become #1 may not represent your listing’s position within the result list presented to a given seeker.
This is due to the required inclusion in the seeker's result list of any and all advertisers having one or more keytraits in common with any of the seeker's one or more keytraits except when such advertiser keytraits also contain any keytraits which contradict any of the seeker’s keytraits (this will be further explained in #9; below).
Advertisers whose keytrait set matches in whole or in part the seeker’s keytrait set and include one or more additional keytraits beyond the seeker’s keytraits are not displayed because in such cases the advertisers have indicated a desire for even greater specificity.
Though they could be the same occasionally; in the great majority of the cases, your listing will normally differ from the Current Rank and Bid to become #1 numbers shown in your change bids selection screen(s).
There is no need, however, to be concerned about this phenomena. Remember that because you only pay when a targeted, prescreened seeker who in the very least meets all of your designated keytrait(s) and then actually clicks on your ad and visits your website, your exact position within any particular result list is far less important than is your position among the group of companies (potentially including some of your competitors) directly targeting the same exact people you are. That’s where your position matters the most. That’s where you’ll want to “fight” for the best placement you can afford.
In addition, because in no case will bids of a lesser value appear above/ahead of bids of a greater value in any result list provided to any seeker, as per our rules, no advertiser with a lower bid than you (which bid is, as stated, on their own keytrait set) will ever appear above your listing in any result list.
You invest more; you receive more. No matter what your position on individual result lists (MERPs) are. It’s as simple as that.
9. All paid advertisers must have at least one keytrait in common with seeker and no keytraits which are contradictory with any of seeker’s keytraits in order to appear on that seeker’s result list.
Each generated result list contains any and all advertiser/providers having at least one keytrait in common with the seeker’s keytraits; where no keytrait of any advertiser is a contradiction with any of seeker’s keytraits.
This is how we insure that seekers receive only listings (including yours) that are pinpoint relevant to each seeker (and therefore to your website/offer/products/services/etc); and none that aren’t.
An example of contradicting keytraits would be where an advertiser is targeting and therefore has selected the keytrait set consisting of females + 30-39 (age) + $50,001-75,000 (income) and a match seeker who’s a 30-39 year old male earning between $50,000-75,000. While a match does exist as between age and income, it does not with gender. Because this advertiser is targeting females of this age and income while the match seeker is a male, “male” is a contradicting keytrait.
Therefore, the advertiser’s ad would not appear in this (male) seekers MERPs (match engine result pages). Had this advertiser wanted their ad to appear to both men and women, they could of course not have specified “females” when setting their keytrait targeting parameters.
So just how effective is
By the time we’re done, an advertiser could; if they wanted to target to such an exacting (if admittedly unlikely) degree; quickly and easily have their ad seen only by 37 year old football-loving, softball-playing, basketball-hating, asthmatic, Lexus-owning (with a payment of $355/month), VISA card holding (balance over $10,000); gardner, designer-kitchen, and computer wanting; $73,000/year-earning, HR-manager females who live with their basketball playing, baseball-loving, enjoys-reading and playing board games, BMW-owning ($426/month payment), Mastercard holding (balance under $7,500); plasma-TV, RV (up to $63,000 in price), and timeshare wanting; $123,000/year earning, computer engineer husband and three kids (one 13 year old girl who enjoys playing volleyball and is in mock trial, a 10 year old soccer-playing son who needs help with math, and a bright 5 year old girl who needs gifted-child educational opportunities), one diabetic German Shepard, and a finicky cat who won't eat dry food; in Beverly Hills, California (zip code 90210); in a home with a $500,000 mortgage and today worth between $1,500,000-$2,000,000, that they bought in June of 2000 for $1,000,000.
Can paid search do this?
No today. Not tomorrow. Not ever.
Those desiring further information concerning some of the intellectual property (IP) behind may visit and
To Search is to guess, to assume. To Match is to know.
With Match Engine Marketing, you know. Don’t guess. Know.