MatchTo Premier
MatchTo Premier; where our visitor/users will have the option to complete a detailed yet anonymous personal profile; is another of our exciting forthcoming features. By increasing the number of keytraits, the number, variety, and value of listed products, services, and benefits is also increased for the large majority of our users.
Doing so allows for matching with our advertisers/providers who need or desire greater/higher degrees of specificity in order to be matched with and to receive their products, services, and benefits.
So basically, the more accurate and complete you are in identifying and designating your keytraits, the better the results.
Plus, we’re going to be providing at no cost the further option to store the profiles for those who want to so that they’ll only have to complete the profile once instead of over and over and over again every time they want to do an in-depth match request.
Because everyone will always have full and complete access to their profiles (including the ability to delete them), you’ll only have to revisit your profile to make occasional updates if and when any of your keytraits change (i.e. you get married, have a child, relocate, receive a promotion/raise, have a birthday, take up a new hobby, develop a health need/medical condition, etc). This will help ensure that you don't miss any of the products, services, and benefits you qualify for.
Because we’ll be letting everyone know here at once MatchTo Premier is operational, be sure to check back from time to time.
Here’s a sample of the type of profile we’ll be using to match you with even more products, services, and benefits: